A Spanish woman aged 34 to 27 weeks pregnant woke up in the morning with a sudden pain in the wrists . There was no history of trauma and had not participated in any excessive physical activity in the previous days. I did not know , but it was the first case of "
Whatsappitis " .
The neologism is not just any invention : the name refers to an article in the prestigious journal
The Lancet to tendonitis caused by overuse of instant messaging service WhatsApp .The woman, emergency physician , had just finished a call on December 24 at the hospital where she works when she felt a sharp pain in his wrist. Arriving at his house and see all the Christmas cards in his cell , he began to answer them one by one instead of resting wrist pain . After spending six hours sending messages by WhatsApp , he began to have pain in the thumb.
" He held mobile phone, weighing 130 grams , at least for 6 hours ," says Article Dr. Inés Fernández Guerrero, University Hospital of Granada . "During this time , she made continuous movements with both thumbs to send messages."
"The diagnosis for bilateral wrist pain was
WhatsAppitis " says the article. The treatment consisted of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and complete abstinence from using the phone to send messages.
"Due to her pregnancy , the patient only took paracetamol with partial improvement and did not fail completely using your phone, as new messages exchanged on December 31 for New Year ," he adds .
new disorders
The call caused Nintendinitis - use devices like the Nintendo game console , was first described in 1990 , and since then several injuries have been reported related to video games and new technologies .
Initially reported in children , these cases are now adults, points ofThe Lancet article . Tenosynovitis caused by texting with mobile phones could be an emerging disease . Physicians should be aware of these new disorders , "says Fernández Guerrero.
In 1990 , the medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine diagnosticthe first Nintendinitis a case of where a 35 year old woman had spent five hours playing with a Nintendo console , even at Christmas .
In 2007 , a man aged 29 suffered a case of acute wiitis after spending many hours playing tennis with your Wii console. In both cases , the recipe was the same: ibuprofen and away from video games for a while.
The birth of these disorders could be traced back to 1981 , when he spoke of the " Doll Space Invaders " pain caused by pressing the required button for the popular video game .